格子状になっている部分に太番手の糸を使い 裂けた時にそこで止まるように設計された素材です。もともとはミリタリーウエア用に開発された織り方です。
The pants are made using original ripstop fabric, designed to offer comfort for everyday wear. Ripstop fabric is characterized by its grid-like pattern, where thick yarns are woven to prevent tearing. When a tear occurs, it is designed to stop at the grid section, hence the name "ripstop."
orSlow's original ripstop fabric closely replicates the 1960s American military ripstop fabric through careful analysis. The military-grade ripstop fabric from that era has a unique atmosphere compared to modern ripstop fabrics. The name "New Yorker" reflects the concept of designing pants that provide comfort and convenience for people living in New York, whether for work or leisure.