丈夫で光沢感のある独特な表情のツイルです。この素材は通称ウエポンと呼ばれています。名称の由来はアメリカ陸軍のWEST POINT士官学校の制服に使われていたという事もありそのように呼ばれています。デザイン、縫製仕様なども当時の制服を参考にし企画しました。股上が深くワイドなシルエットです。
We use twill fabric woven with double threads and treated with cold mercerization, giving it a sturdy and glossy texture with a unique appearance. This material is commonly referred to as "Weapon" twill. The name originates from its historical use in the uniforms of the United States Military Academy at West Point, thus earning this nickname. The design and sewing details were also inspired by the uniforms of that era. The pants feature a deep rise and a wide silhouette.