1960年代のUS ARMYが採用していたRIP STOP POPLINを分析しオリジナルで作成した素材は経糸の太番手部分は目立たず緯糸の太番手が強調される当時のRIP STOP POPLINをできる限り再現しました。四季を問わず様々なスタイルにも合わせやすいARMY JACKETです。
We have analyzed the RIP STOP POPLIN used by the US Army in the 1960s and recreated an original fabric that closely resembles the original design. The recreated fabric emphasizes the thick weft yarns while the warp yarns are less conspicuous, just like the RIP STOP POPLIN from that era. This Army Jacket, created from this fabric, is versatile and can be effortlessly paired with various styles throughout the year.