1950年代に誕生したといわれるTYPE2 DENIM JACKET。TYPE1のなごりであるフロントのプリーツは残り、フロントポケットが2つに。背面のベルトも排除され裾ベルト部分にアジャスターが付く仕様に、シルエットも変更され作業着というイメージからウエスタンウエアやファッション的なアイテムに昇華されたタイミングだといえます。1950年代~60年代に活躍した俳優やミュージシャンが着用していたモデルです。orslowの50’S DENIM JACKETは糸の段階から吟味し作成したoriginalのselvedge denimを使い生産しています。1950年代のデニムのような自然なムラがのある糸で織り上げた素材は着用と洗濯の繰り返しで経年変化し愛着の沸く1着になっていきます。one wash C/#81とused wash C/#84の2色展開。
The TYPE2 DENIM JACKET, said to have been born in the 1950s, retains the pleats on the front, reminiscent of the TYPE1, but now features two front pockets. The back belt has been eliminated, and an adjuster has been added to the hem belt section, resulting in a modified silhouette. This transformation elevated it from a workwear garment to a Western wear and fashion item. It was a popular choice worn by actors and musicians who were active during the 1950s to 1960s.
orslow's 50'S DENIM JACKET is produced using carefully selected original selvedge denim, starting from the thread stage. The fabric, woven with yarn that exhibits the natural irregularities seen in denim from the 1950s, evolves with wear and repeated washing, becoming a cherished item that develops a unique patina over time. It is available in two color variations: one wash (#81) and used wash (#84).